Envirolink is a regional council driven funding scheme, with funds administered by the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment - Science and Innovation. Envirolink commenced on 1 December 2005 in trial form and is now a well-established investment scheme. Investment funding of approximately $2 million (excluding GST) per annum is available to Regional Councils to contract government-funded research organisations to transfer environmental research knowledge.

The Envirolink scheme funds research organisations (Crown Research Institutes, universities and some not-for-profit research associations) to provide regional councils with advice and support for research on identified environmental topics and projects.The scheme aims to support regional councils in two areas of environmental management: adapting management tools to local needs, and translating environmental science knowledge into practical advice.

The scheme's objectives are to:

  • improve science input to the environmental management activities of regional councils
  • increase the engagement of regional councils with the environmental RS&T sector
  • contribute to greater collective engagement between councils and the science system generally.