Air Quality - Monitoring Strategy for Westport

Regional Councils are responsible for management of air quality under the Resource Management Act.  Air quality standards are outlined by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and through the National Environmental Standards (NES) in New Zealand.

West Coast Regional Council (WCRC) has been undertaking studies of air quality data in Westport for over two years.  The studies have generated both spatial and temporal data.

WCRC sought assistance from Envirolink to provide funding to enable external expertise to review the data and provide future guidance for managing Westport air quality.  WCRC were successful in securing Envirolink grant 2344 and contracted the University of Canterbury along with Environet to provide additional expertise.

The focus of the work was to:

  • Assess emissions from key sources of particles in Westport and to evaluate these spatially to identify hot spot areas where concentrations of PM2.5 (particulate matter) might be highest;
  • Consider these data in conjunction with existing spatial monitoring data and meteorology to identify priority areas for the establishment of a long-term monitoring site for PM2.5 in Westport.

Westport - Air quality monitoring site (WCRC)

The work evaluated emissions from domestic heating, outdoor burning, motor vehicles and industrial and commercial activities using a combination of census data (home heating emissions), household data, resource consent information and local NZTA vehicle kilometre travelled data.

WCRC scientist Jonny Horrox says the work has provided the council with expert knowledge they don’t currently have in house. He says “the report looks at the data with an expert eye. It provides evidence-based conclusions and recommendations that will assist future management. The decisions based on this work will significantly influence future long-term strategies”.

Jonny also adds that Envirolink support is invaluable in providing an opportunity to utilise external expertise to provide a national context.

Read the full report [PDF, 521 KB]

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